Board & Batten 'rustic look' shutters with joined boards and horizontal cross battens
Board & Batten 'rustic look' shutters with spaced boards and horizontal cross battens
Board & Batten 'rustic look' shutters with joined boards, horizontal cross battens and a 'Z' bar
'Rustic look' Country Panel shutters with vertical joined boards. Decorative hinges optional.
Board & Batten and Country Panel shutters complete our line up of custom built decorative exterior shutters.
This range of shutters is deliberately constructed to look quite rustic in appearance and will not look out of place on either a country cottage or more contemporary property in the middle of a town or city.
Each vertical board is exactly 85mm wide or 3 3/8 inches and we therefore build shutters with widths that are a multiple of this measurement.
Board & Batten & Country Panel shutters all have a smooth wood grain texture to enhance their appearance and add a little bit to the authentic look of these shutters.
Decorative hinge sets that are also made from polypropylene, yet look like hammered metal, can be purchased as accessories to create a truly custom look.
Each shutter component is sonic welded into position and then, for added strength, stainless steel screws are added to provide a finished product that will defy even the closest of inspections to determine if they are made of wood?
Width options available 7” / 10 ¼ “ / 13.5” / 17” / 20 1/4 “ / 23 ½” and multiples of 85mm (3 3/8 ”) thereafter. All sizes nominal)
We will build Board & Batten and Country Panel shutters for you to length in ¼ inch increments.